[ELIARA'S STORY TIME!] Embarrassing Moment

Hi! I post this from my phone, so it's not really good. Anyways! Let me tell you a story, dear child/honeybee!

This happened possibly yesterday (April 21, 2018) I don't know why, but sometimes I get the dates mixed up.. Ahhh... Have you ever mistaken someone for another person? If you have, you must know how it feels. This actually happened to me, which is obvious, since I made this entry.  I mistaken two people on the same day! My sister told me that this old lady was our aunt, who I am very close to. Of course, I look over and instantly thought that it was her and stupidly waved with a goofy smile on my face. Her reaction was totally off, to the point that she mumbled 'What's wrong with her?' Oh, did I mentioned that I walk towards her? Yeah. When I realized something, I quickly walked away. Honestly.. I wish I could curled up into a ball and bounced away.

Before I meet this old lady, I encountered another lady, in which I thought was my cousin. I smiled to her, wanting to say something but, I quickly keep quiet, seeing how she's not really saying or reacting like my cousin. Eventually, she mouth something, which I don't really get before she walked passed me. Seriously.. It's very embarrassing, especially when there are other people around that time.

Mistaking a person for another one while being surrounded by people is the most embarrassing moments for me. Gosh... I just hope that I can erase their memories about that time... Just writing about this made me wanna cry and hide somewhere...

Anyways! Thank you for reading this.. Have you ever mistaken someone for another one? Do tell me your experience, so I could feel a bit better. T^T
