[Review/Thoughts!] Code:Breaker

'ello, honeybees and friends, also random readers! i have return with yet another anime review, which also from a while back! again, please keep in mind that there are definitely spoilers up ahead. if you don't mind or have watched the anime, do proceed if you like.


review / thoughts !!
in all honesty, i think i need to read the manga to know more about the story and what's happening and bound to happen after the anime.. it feels incomplete, since there's no season two.. i think it's an 'okay' anime for me, and i'm in love with the 'antagonist'... flap what ur gonna say, i love him and u cant say anything- lol i think he's among the fav characters-

the art is okay for a 2012 anime, well designed characters and scenes. the battles were well animated, no 3d scenes in this, which i guess is somewhat predictable, considering it was made in 2012. the characters are loveable- none that i hate, well except for that freaking idiot pm and the eden... flap those suckers, i say...

the storyline is okay for me.. i'm more curious on what could happen to hitomi than the storyline itself, but the storyline did caught my interest by a bit, maybe in about 35%? honestly, i'm just more focus on yuki, toki, hitomi and oji- lol... long story short, there's a group of people with special ability and the govern, used the 'potential' ones to carry out their dirty works, but hitomi found out about the fate of these code:breakers, who'd died by their own abilities and wasn't known to everyone, basically they 'don't exist'. the whole story is about hitomi against the code:breakers (heike, yuki, toki, oji and rei) along with the female protagonist, sakura and the whole world.. in the end, he died from his own power, which i crii.... it sucks to see such beautiful and kind guy die.... //no worries!! a ff for u is comin'!! lol!!

the character development- hm, normal and i've seen it before... nothing new, tbh... a cold hearted guy with a decent 'dark' past met with the girl who's bound to change him... i'm predicting the manga, which i'm gonna read, more like forcing myself to, okay.. for the sake of understanding the whole situation or i might get lost... the side characters are okay to me, except for the foster parents- holy shot, the mom looks too darn young.... also- oji is actually a girl- for the entire anime i thought she was actually a 'he'- darn it... my eyes are bad- XD
also, also! yuki is just so darn adorable!!

the sounds- i love the op and ed! i cant skip them... it's very fun to hear, so i dont mind hearing them again! the effects are okay, though, no complain there.

the settings revolves maybe around the same year, not really mentioned, or i might missed it during the anime. it does have some fillers, but not that much, mainly to explain things and show us the relationship between the code:breakers. the place, i'm going to assume it's in tokyo.. it has the sky tower?

overall, it's a 7 from me... that's the final score that i'm betting on... it feels like a 7 to me, so i'm going with that.. the only thing that makes me wanna watch is because of hitomi. he's the one that caught my interest first, because i was going to study his ability for my bsd oc... either way, not a bad anime, so yeah..
