'ello, honeybees and friends, also random readers! it is i, yours not-so-truly, ann! this is yet another anime review/thoughts that i made quite a while back. i'm just like typing with small caps, so please excuse my favoritism on small caps - does that make sense to you? XD
high warning = spoilers!!
death parade
review or thoughts !!
honestly, in the beginning, i don't really like it, but the story slowly gets to me, y'know. it gives me a different exposure to the whole 'anime-death-life' situation. the story is about a rookie arbiter named decim, who's been given human emotion (though, throughout the whole series, i thought of him to be completely emotionless only having an interest in the human life) passing judgements to the souls with a temporary human assistant, who, by the eleventh episode we know her name as chiyuki. my vote for this anime is 10 - yeah, it's either that or 9...
the art is splendid and well done. though, frankly speaking, sometimes i hate the art in some scenes, but not that much of a hate, since i like the overall design. the characters are loveable, especially nona, clavis, ginti, chiyuki, that black cat and decim, yes he's such a cutie, so i love him to bits!
the storyline is pretty much interesting to me and caught my interest. the games they played had me on the line, especially when it comes to the link ones. the reveal, especially on the first episode had me broke, and each time a couple or romance involved during the judgements, it moved me. the last episode really touch my heart as i can see another side of decim, which i must say it's too cute and heartbreaking to see them part ways. i have no complain in the storyline - no rushing and no fillers that's distracting the story. chiyuki's memories were reveal at the near end of the series, which i say is a good thing?
the setting all revolves during the time that chiyuki had died, and no past was included, except for some small ones, like the time of ginti and decim became arbiters, which was necessary to the plot, since we can see how ginti view the whole judgement thing and how decim viewed them. the places mainly revolves at quindecim, ginti's place, nona's place, the information rooms, and that play where that flower dude play with nona. (i hate him... i really do...)
the sound is pretty fine, the op is catchy (i can never get enough of the whole dance! cute decim and chiyuki!!!) and the ed is okay - i'm surprise to see an all english ed. both songs and the sounds are good to me, no complain there.
the character development for this anime is great by me. i can see how decim developed 'proper' human emotions and was able to feel 'sorrow' and 'pain'. by the end, you can see him smiling, a true smile rather than being emotionless even after parting ways with chiyuki. about ginti, i can sense that he's slowly changing, but still stubborn as he is. clavis- nah, he's good to me. still, the same weird-adorable-i dont ask much dude. nona? well, she's already into changing the fact that they're puppets and all, so she's developing fine, yet still bound to the rules of the arbiter..
*sigh* it's a great anime overall. i think i'm sticking with the 10 score on this. it's just that great to my eyes. even though it's 'spawned' from a short film, if this were to have a second season, i would definitely watch it.
high warning = spoilers!!
death parade
review or thoughts !!
honestly, in the beginning, i don't really like it, but the story slowly gets to me, y'know. it gives me a different exposure to the whole 'anime-death-life' situation. the story is about a rookie arbiter named decim, who's been given human emotion (though, throughout the whole series, i thought of him to be completely emotionless only having an interest in the human life) passing judgements to the souls with a temporary human assistant, who, by the eleventh episode we know her name as chiyuki. my vote for this anime is 10 - yeah, it's either that or 9...

the storyline is pretty much interesting to me and caught my interest. the games they played had me on the line, especially when it comes to the link ones. the reveal, especially on the first episode had me broke, and each time a couple or romance involved during the judgements, it moved me. the last episode really touch my heart as i can see another side of decim, which i must say it's too cute and heartbreaking to see them part ways. i have no complain in the storyline - no rushing and no fillers that's distracting the story. chiyuki's memories were reveal at the near end of the series, which i say is a good thing?
the setting all revolves during the time that chiyuki had died, and no past was included, except for some small ones, like the time of ginti and decim became arbiters, which was necessary to the plot, since we can see how ginti view the whole judgement thing and how decim viewed them. the places mainly revolves at quindecim, ginti's place, nona's place, the information rooms, and that play where that flower dude play with nona. (i hate him... i really do...)
the sound is pretty fine, the op is catchy (i can never get enough of the whole dance! cute decim and chiyuki!!!) and the ed is okay - i'm surprise to see an all english ed. both songs and the sounds are good to me, no complain there.
the character development for this anime is great by me. i can see how decim developed 'proper' human emotions and was able to feel 'sorrow' and 'pain'. by the end, you can see him smiling, a true smile rather than being emotionless even after parting ways with chiyuki. about ginti, i can sense that he's slowly changing, but still stubborn as he is. clavis- nah, he's good to me. still, the same weird-adorable-i dont ask much dude. nona? well, she's already into changing the fact that they're puppets and all, so she's developing fine, yet still bound to the rules of the arbiter..
*sigh* it's a great anime overall. i think i'm sticking with the 10 score on this. it's just that great to my eyes. even though it's 'spawned' from a short film, if this were to have a second season, i would definitely watch it.
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